Meridian Township Fall Recycling Day 2024
It’s almost time for the Meridian Township Spring Recycling event! Time to go through your garage, basement, closets, etc, and bring your working or not working items to Meridian Mall to be recycled!
It’s almost time for the Meridian Township Spring Recycling event! Time to go through your garage, basement, closets, etc, and bring your working or not working items to Meridian Mall to be recycled!
It’s almost time for the Meridian Township Spring Recycling event! Time to go through your garage, basement, closets, etc, and bring your working or not working items to Chippewa Middle School to be recycled!
It’s that time of year again to recycle all those items that you may have sitting around in your garage or basement! On Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Chippewa Middle School (4000 Okemos Road, Okemos) all residents in the Capital Area can safely recycle their unwanted items. When Saturday, … Read more
Call to Order: 6:44pm Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko, Darcel Bulock, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski Absent: None Minutes: Bill moved to approve the February meeting minutes as presented, Sharon seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Budget: limited activity during this time. Additional dues were collected and a deposit was made … Read more
Call to Order: 6:45pm Members Present: Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko, Darcel Bulock, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski Absent: Bill McConnell Guest Attendees: Steve Taylor Amend minutes to remove Ann Johnson from Members Present list. Cindee Picklo moved to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Marilyn Ruh seconded. Motion passed. Budget report: two … Read more