Call to Order: 6:44pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko, Darcel Bulock, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski
Absent: None
- Minutes: Bill moved to approve the February meeting minutes as presented, Sharon seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Budget: limited activity during this time. Additional dues were collected and a deposit was made via the night drop box at the bank. To date, approximately $16,000 in dues have been collected. Quarterly insurance payment was made. It was noted that the monthly charge for the website increased from $15.98 to $24.98, ask Bryce Hauptman who currently manages the website if he knows anything about the change. The $25,000 legal fund reserve was transferred to a Money Market fund as approved at the last board meeting. It was noted that the interest rate is substantially less than originally anticipated due to the current economic conditions but still more than the interest that was being earned previously. Lagoon fee check issued last fall finally cleared in the checking account.
- Dues: 256 households have paid, 83 households still owe. 3 more have paid via mail and 3 more have paid online. Due to the current COVID situation, the leins previously discussed were not filed for now. To date additional contributions totaling $2,775 have been received for the playground.
- Future meetings: Discussion regarding having future meetings on Zoom for the time being while in person gatherings are still prohibited. Discussed that notice needs to be provided to others in the neighborhood who may wish to join. At a minimum the phone number to call into the meeting can be published on Nextdoor.
- Recycling fundraiser: the recycling fundraiser was cancelled for the time being due to the emergency orders in place. Once restrictions are lifted the Board will look into rescheduling the event as appropriate. Neighbors can b encouraged to take metal recycling directly to Friedland and request that the funds be credited to Tacoma Hills’ account. Brief discussion that the metal components of the current playground structure could potentially be recycled when the event is held in the future. The next Meridian township recycling event is scheduled for September 26, 2020. Brief discussion about the possibility of collecting returnable cans and bottles during this time but storage would be a challenge given that we are not sure how long they would need to be held since they cannot be returned to stores currently.
- Future Fundraising ideas: Panera email – Elaine will send the tax ID number so we have it for the future when such a fundraiser can be held.
- Fundraising update: Discussion regarding providing an update to residents regarding the funds raised toward the new playground structure. Discussed creating a thermometer type graphic to show progress and possibly putting it up at the bike parade if we are able to hold that event in July.
- Website: Jennifer will reach out to Bryce who manages the website, to learn how to put information on the website.
- Covenants: Jennifer will reach out to attorney in the neighborhood who previously offered to assist with the review and potential changes to the covenants with the goal of evaluating next steps and determining if a more formal opinion needs to be pursued from an independent, paid attorney. Advise to this point has been provided pro bono by an attorney that Jennifer works with.
- Rain gardens initiative: discussed rain gardens that some Tacoma Hills residents have and the possibility of using some of the green space near the playground for a rain garden as well as encouraging residents in the neighborhood to have rain gardens as appropriate.
- Future meeting locations: Discussion about potentially having meetings within the neighborhood in the future when such public gatherings are allowed again. Some ideas discussed included meetings being held at individuals’ homes, using the pavilion at Edgewood school (also the possibility of using a pavilion at the park if one is constructed in the future), Old Chicago, Okemos Public Library, Okemos Senior Center.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Next meeting will be May 20th @ 6:30pm on Zoom.