If you are a Tacoma Hills resident, you are welcome to attend any and all meetings on the second Tuesday of every month.
Meetings are typically on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6:30 – 8:30 pm via Google Meet.
A THHA meeting is a great way to get involved with your neighborhood! As changes are being made within your Tacoma Hills Homeowners Association and issues are being positively resolved, this would be a great time to comment, ask questions, or volunteer for a seasonal event! Meetings usually fall on the second Tuesday of the month and last for a couple of hours. Plan on attending our next meeting! Tacoma Hills residents are ALWAYS welcome!
To view previous board meeting minutes, check here, or log in to the Tacoma Hills Nextdoor group to view current discussions around the meetings.
You can always access the link for the Google Meet monthly meeting by clicking below.
Google Meet Monthly Meeting Link
*The Nextdoor Online Community is comprised of Tacoma Hills residents to communicate with one another easily and is in no way affiliated with the Tacoma Hills Homeowners Association/Board.