Call to Order: 6:35 pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Shelby DeNike, Cindee Picklo, James Keathley
Guests: Stephen Zayko
Absent: Sharon Grabski
Minutes: One small amendment to meeting minutes approved to add the last names of guests Carol and John. Motion to approve minutes Shelby moved, Cindee seconded; approved unanimously.
- Budget and Dues: approximately 80 households paid dues last month so now only 90 households owe for the current year. Noted that the funds reserved for the playground plus $5,000 from the legal reserve fund have been transferred to the checking account to cover the cost of the playground purchase and installation. The board reviewed the bank statements via screen share noting the check for the purchase of the playground equipment. It was noted that additional costs would be incurred for the actual installation of the equipment, purchase of timbers, woodchips, and removal of the old structure.
- Removal of fallen and dead trees in the common area: Discussed the plans to remove the dead trees. Leaving the larger wood would not save any money so they are going to dispose of all the wood.
- Newsletter: Shelby will be sending out a special newsletter in the next day or two covering several time-sensitive announcements including a garage sale, playground removal and build, and special meetings to discuss the lagoon. It will also include information about the 4th of July Bike Parade and the Ice Cream Social as well as a request for individuals who may be interested in lending their talents for the construction of a structure to hang the refurbished Tacoma Hills sign at the Manitou entrance.
- Playground update: Proposed build date for the new equipment was pushed back a couple of days to 5/14/2021. The landscaping company will be removing the existing structure this weekend to prepare for the new equipment installation. Board approved the purchase of the playground timbers for $1,100 for 31 timbers (the recommended number to go around the structure based on the quote from the playground company.)
- Lagoon: Discussion about having two community meetings to allow residents to express their thoughts regarding the lagoon. Meetings are set for 6/5/2021 and 6/10/2021.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Next meeting will be on June 17th @ 6:30 pm via Zoom.