Call to Order: 6:46 pm
Members Present: Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Shelby DeNike, James Keathley, Cindee Picklo
Guests: Stephen Zayko
Absent: Bill McConnell, Sharon Grabski
Minutes: Motion to approve minutes Marilyn moved, Shelby seconded; approved unanimously.
- Budget and Dues: Several additional dues paid, now about 85% have paid dues with 35% paid online. Approximately 22 households still to pay dues for 2021. Discussed that the playground installation bill came in and was paid in June so it will show in next month’s report. Still to be paid are the timbers and the mulch. Noted that the bill for the fallen trees was paid during May totaling $1,250.
- Lagoon meetings recap: Meetings were held on 6/5/2021 and 6/10/2021. Discussed that there were conflicting opinions on the lagoon with some thinking that improvements would be welcome while others feeling that if it doesn’t NEED to be addressed it should be left alone. Appreciation that there was a forum to have the discussion.
- Ice Cream Social: is being planned for National Night Out. Cindee was not in attendance but had previously sent an email regarding ice cream novelties on sale at Costco.
- Fourth of July Bike Parade planned for 10am on Sunday, July 4th. Marilyn has arranged for the fire truck and will have bottled water and bike decorating kits to minimize contact.
- Discussed the language regarding fences in the covenants. It was noted that the covenants preclude fences greater than 3 feet tall between the building line and the street. Discussion about the fact that Meridian Township also has rules regarding fences and ours cannot be more permissive than the townships.
- Update on the Four Corners Development project: An amendment to the development plan will be proposed at the meeting on July 7th.
- Discussed providing a contact email to Township Supervisor regarding things happening in Tacoma Hills like the recent stop sign installations.
- Discussed contacting the township supervisor as the HOA to request the MSP do a speed study with the aim to potentially have stop signs added to Tacoma Blvd to slow down traffic. Discussion around the newly added stop signs. The request would have to be a written request from the HOA. A future discussion will be had either at a future board meeting or perhaps at the annual meeting.
- Cindee joined the meeting and briefly discussed the purchase of the ice cream novelties for the Ice Cream Social. Several members volunteered freezer space to store them until the event.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 pm.