Call to Order: 6:40pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Shelby DeNike, Cindee Picklo, Sharon Grabski,
Guests: John and Carol Ohlrogge, James Keathley
Absent: Sharon Grabski
Minutes: One small amendment to meeting minutes approved at last months meeting were February, not January. Motion to approve minutes Bill moved, Shelby seconded; approved unanimously.
- Budget and Dues: Relatively little activity this month only a small amount of dues and just a few expenses. 47% have paid dues, 36% of paid dues have paid online. Shelby noted that 6 new dues payments have come in online since after the newsletter was sent. Currently a little behind where we would normally be. Physical mailing regarding dues went out earlier this week. Elaine shared her screen for the board to review the bank statement as well.
- Removal of fallen and dead trees in common area: Paid $300 to Wright Way to remove the trees that were an immediate hazard. Additional quote for $950 for removing the remaining trees and debris. There would be additional cost of $150 for stump grinding. Discussion around whether stump grinding was necessary. Alternative quote from the other company was $2,000. Both invoices were sent to the board members in advance of the meeting. Discussion regarding that this wasn’t urgent to address the other trees but that they should be addressed given that one of the trees has already fallen. Cindee motioned to approve the Wright Way quote without the stump grinding, Elaine seconded. Jennifer proposed an amendment to ask the tree company to leave anything 6 inch or large at lengths of 18 inches if it saves $100 or more. Accepted by Cindee as a friendly amendment. Approved unanimously
- Misc Discussion: Discussion around the origin of the legal fund as we may need to borrow from that reserve to cover the costs of the playground plus the tree cutting expenditures this year. There was also discussion regarding the new website and the creation of a searchable historical record of key topics. Shelby stated that this could be done. Jennifer mentioned that she still had a stack of old physical records that could scanned in but does not have access to a scanner currently. Several members of the board offered to help with scanning, Bill offered to convert the files so that they could be made searchable and Shelby can then organize them and store on the website. Additional coordination will be done via email.
- Website: The group discussed some ideas for possible information for the newsletter. Members would write up pertinent articles and Shelby will compile it together and send out a seasonal newsletter
- Playground update: Playground equipment has been purchased. Proposed build date for the new equipment is 5/12/2021. It was noted that that weekend following the build would also be the neighborhood garage sale. Jennifer will confirm with the landscaping company that they can remove the existing structure. Tom will reach out to the family that was interested in the monkey bars so those could be set aside rather than hauled off. Had some additional discussion around the plastic edging that is needed for the playground as well. It was determined that a special newsletter will be sent out to announce the playground will be installed and to determine interest in having a ramp to make the playground more accessible.
- Lagoon: Discussion about the NextDoor post regarding the lagoon. Shelby discussed advice he received from EGLE regarding letting the grass grow taller along the lagoon which would help with the various issues over time. There was discussion around having a special meeting to hear from all interested residents and potentially some outside experts as well. The board wants to be very thoughtful and thorough about any action that is or isn’t taken. Tom will work to pull an initial meeting together but does not want to lead the group. Bill proposed that we could approach a neutral resource outside the neighborhood to help facilitate the discussion. Need to set a date for that discussion, possibly late May and the special newsletter about the playground could be used to also inform neighbors about the special meeting as well.
James Keathley expressed that he would be willing to join the HOA board. Cindee moved to fill a vacant position on the board with James Keathley. Marilyn seconded. Approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Next meeting will be May 6th @ 6:30pm via Zoom.