Call to Order: 6:40pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Shelby DeNike, Cindee Picklo
Guests: Dan and Mary Keathley
Absent: Sharon Grabski
Minutes: motion to approve January minutes Marilyn moved, Bill seconded; approved unanimously.
- Budget: Shelby found a way to reduce our website service fees. Received updated assessment for the HOA owned properties and they are still assessed at $0. Elaine shared her screen and reviewed the most recent bank statement activity.
- Dues: No update as Sharon was absent.
- Website: Shelby is making a new version of the website that will be able to be operated on a new platform and be less expensive. He set up new email addresses for everyone on the HOA board and is working to set up an electronic newsletter. He would like to do some testing before sending a newsletter to the whole neighborhood. The group discussed some ideas for possible information for the newsletter.
- Pond: Discussed background information on the pond and possible ideas for improvements. Dan Keathley expressed concerns with the mention of considering cattails in a previous meeting minutes and stated that he believed this could result in the area being designated as a wetland which would bring additional regulations or even loss of control to manage the lagoon. Tom will send a draft of an invite to have a community conversation, especially to those living on the lagoon to discuss possible improvements. Initial discussion would be with residents around the lagoon then broaden to the whole community. Debate occurred among members regarding whether the geese are a significant issue, if it’s something the HOA should be responsible, and the potential costs and funding source for any changes. Initially, the board will work to engage the THHA community to understand the various perspectives in the neighborhood regarding the pond and what, if any, improvements should be pursued.
- Playground update: Jennifer provided a summary of the playground option quotes from 3 different sources. Marilyn provided information on the feedback she got from our landscaping company. The landscaping company quoted a price for the woodchips that was over $100 less than the quote Jennifer received from Hammond Farms and offered to spread the mulch for free as well. Further discussion of the quotes support the Play Date structure being the best option. There was also discussion regarding the removal of the existing structure. Removal of the existing structure adds a cost of $1,000 to the professional installation price. Marilyn believes the landscaping company may be able to remove the existing structure for less and will request a quote. Jennifer will request an updated official quote for just the play structure with professional installation (previous quote included mulch, plastic safety timbers and ramp.) Elaine and Jennifer will work together to compile a full presentation of the total cost of the project and funds available, additional funds needed for the Board to review and vote on so that the structure can be ordered.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Next meeting will be April 15th @ 6:30pm via Zoom.