Call to Order: 6:42pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski, Cindee Picklo, Shelby DeNike
Guests: None
Absent: None
Minutes: Motion to approve January minutes Bill moved, Elaine seconded; approved unanimously.
- Budget: Review of significant budget items. Noted that our largest expenditure is lawn care and had a brief discussion of options for green space but decided to table that discussion until later in the meeting. Discussed increase in the “bank fee” which is the fee for online payments which have increased due to increased use of online payments. Discussed how to maximize controls with our current finances with Sharon being added to the accounts and bank statements being provided for the meetings for the board to review.
- Dues: 100 people have paid and deposited, 19 checks to provide to Elaine for deposit and 6 additional online payments in February. At the end of February, Sharon will send a reminder notice. Seem to be ahead of pace this year.
- Pond: Discussed options to help address both erosion and geese issues. Current configuration of the pond is ideal for attracting geese with the open, mowed shoreline. A typical pond would naturally be bordered by tall grasses, cat tails, or similar. Bill and Tom discussed and showed pictures from a previous presentation regarding options such as sloping and planting vegetation along the banks. Discussed the option of piloting a small section (about 10’ section) possibly on Shelby’s property. The cost would be about $800 for the small pilot. There would be economies of scale for the whole project but it would still be quite costly. Tom is going to work on an estimate on the cost for the entire project. Shelby is going to reach out to the homeowners bordering the area. Gain additional information on grants and similar opportunities to help pay for the project.
- Playground update: Discussed the quotes received from American Parks, still waiting for the formal quote from the Meridian Parks and Rec resources. Discussed the option of doing the safety surface (wood chips) ourselves to save money. Marilyn will discuss the possible plastic timber board with the landscaping company to understand the impact on the lawn mowing of the area. Jennifer Edmonds to send information about the required safety surface level. Plan to have a plan for formal approval to purchase in March or April meeting to have the equipment installed this year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Next meeting will be March 11th @ 6:30pm via Zoom