Call to Order: 6:45pm
Members Present: Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko, Darcel Bulock, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski, Bill McConnell
Absent: None
- Minutes: Bill moved, Marilyn seconded – approved unanimous
- Budget report: mowing for October and November came in December; Luminaries income and expense included, carryforward of $150 and some stock remaining as well; $10k surplus carryforward from last year. Income roughly 21K expenses was about 15k.
- Move to change the second signatury from Bill to Sharon, approved unanimously.
- Dues: 14 didn’t pay for last year, 3 have already paid for 2020. Noted that we are particularly successful in getting people to pay dues. Dues mailing includes reference to rounding up and note that individuals owing more than one year would be contacted.
- Discussed sign for Manitou corner. House that owns the lot has it for sale. We’ll hold off on putting it up until the house has sold and then work with the new owner.
- Friedland: need to set date.
- Easter egg hunt: Jennifer will present a budget.
- Covenants update: still pursuing the legal opinion
- As part of the covenants update, Jennifer has updated the dues spreadsheet to include lot numbers and lot sizes which are used to calculate the dues required per the 2 mil limit in the current covenants which can be used for the recording of leins as needed.
- Bryce manages the website, Jennifer will reach out to Bryce to hand over website knowledge
- Bill moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Cindy. Motion passed unanimously. Adjourned at 8:21pm.
Next meeting will be February 27th @ 6:30pm.