Call to Order: 6:45pm
Members Present: Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko, Darcel Bulock, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski, Bill McConnell
Absent: None
Guest Attendees: Steve Taylor
- Budget report: 13 unpaid dues, 96% of dues for 2019 have been paid. $500 from contingency fund was used for the fallen tree in the courtyard. There is approximately $8,000 budget surplus to be carried over into the next year along with the $25,000 legal reserve fund.
- Bill McConnell moved and Elaine seconded to reserve $8,000 budget surplus plus $2,000 from contingency fund as matching funds for the playground equipment. Motion passed unanimously.
- Upcoming Newsletter and Dues Mailing: Discussed key elements to include in the upcoming dues mailing, including: request for updated email address, appeal to “round up” dues to donate to playground structure, covenants update.
- Discussion regarding finding someone to audit financial records, not due to any specific concerns, more as a best practice. Steve offered to reach out to Lyle Marshall, a Tacoma Hills resident who has looked at the books in the past.
- Luminaries: An order was placed for 15 cases, costing approximately $900. Orders to date don’t quite cover that amount but believe they will in the end. Supplies will be delivered the week before Christmas (December 19th & 20th). Tom said he would get volunteers to help with luminaries.
- Dues report: discussion regarding the individuals who have not paid dues yet. Decision was made to send a certified mailing to those who are multiple years delinquent as a final warning before a lien is placed on the property.
- Covenants update: discussed additional information from attorney contact regarding options to amend covenants to include a fee to cover costs cover 2 mils limit vs dissolve and reform under unified covenants. Bill moved to authorize expenditure of up to $1,000 for Jennifer to get a formal legal opinion regarding options. Darcel made a friendly amendment to the motion to increase the amount to $2,500 which was accepted by Bill. Darcel seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion regarding the sharing of Board members’ contact information in the newsletter.
- Bill moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Darcel. Motion passed unanimously.
Next meeting will be January 7th @ 6:30pm.