MetroNet Status Update

There has been a lot of buzz around the status of MetroNet coming to Tacoma Hills, some good things have been said, and some bad things have been said about the contractors they have hired for the job.

Dan Opsommer sent an update to the board this morning with the following information regarding the completion of the MetroNet setup in Tacoma Hills and the surrounding neighborhoods.

MetroNet has recently hired a new subcontractor, Bell Wire, to complete the remaining underground construction which will allow MetroNet to provide broadband internet services to Township residents. Some small holes will be dug and will be restored in 48-72 hours. No trenches will be dug, and there will be no impact on the roads in your neighborhood. Most of the work in your neighborhoods has been completed. The red lines on the attached map denote the work that still needs to be completed.

For everyone’s safety, please do not pull MISS DIG flags from your yard. It is illegal to pull MISS DIG flags in Michigan. MetroNet will remove the flags after they complete their work.

Back on June 30, Meridian Township Officials issued an indefinite cease and desist order to Internattional, Inc., the subcontractor previously hired by MetroNet. Due to concerns regarding work performance and repeated public safety concerns, Internattional, Inc. is no longer authorized to perform work in the Township. Cano’s Services, LLC was then hired by MetroNet in mid-August but was quickly let go for poor job performance.

MetroNet is now going to use Bell Wire. They will be starting underground boring in Kingswood, Tacoma Hills, Sander Tacoma Hills, and Shaker Heights around September 20. The vast majority of work in your neighborhoods has already been completed, but there are a few remaining sections that MetroNet needs to complete. The red lines in the attached map denote the work that still needs to be completed. The work will consist of boring conduit for underground fiber to provide broadband internet services. MetroNet is required to update all pre-existing permits before resuming work.

Again, for everyone’s safety, please do not pull MISS DIG flags from your yard. It is illegal to pull MISS DIG flags in Michigan. MetroNet will remove the flags after they complete their work.

If you are having issues getting your yard restored or are experiencing other issues, please contact [email protected], and we will work with MetroNet and assist you.

Dan Opsommer – Assistant Township Manager/Director of Public Works
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Link to the full-size image.

Updated: Sept 14th, 2022 @ 1:10pm