Call to Order: 6:35pm
Members Present: Marilyn Ruh, Jennifer Edmonds, Bill McConnell, Elaine Putvin, James Keathley, Tom Stanko, Sharon Grabski,
Guests: Jessica Niven
Absent: Shelby DeNike, Cindee Picklo
Minutes: July meeting minutes were provided in advance of the meeting for approval. Marilyn moved, and Sharon seconded. Approved unanimously.
Budget and Finance: Elaine reviewed the financial activity for the past month $3,550 for April, May, and June mowing was the first charge of the year (this is in line with the normal costs for that length of time); 80% payment rate on dues with nearly half paid online. The Board engaged in discussions about the playground total expenditures vs total reserves and various other aspects of the budget and balances, including the legal reserve fund.
Dues: 53 households haven’t paid. Sharon, Elaine, and Marilyn have hand-addressed envelopes to send letters to those that are still past due. There are 4 households that owe more than 3 years of dues that will be sent a certified mail notice that a lien will be filed.
Jessica Nivens presented a proposal to do a pumpkin decorating event in October. The estimated budget of $50 to $100.
James moved to fund the pumpkin carving event with $50. Jennifer made a friendly amendment to allocate $100 from the contingency fund to an “other events” funds (making the total $200) from which $50 will be used for the pumpkin carving/decorating event. Seconded by Bill. Passed unanimously.
Tom let the board know that due to work demands he is planning to step down from the board at the annual meeting in November. We discussed having Shelby post a notice to the neighborhood that we are looking for anyone interested in serving on the Board to attend the annual meeting in November.
Bill noted that Meridian Township is updating the Master Plan and suggested that perhaps we could have Tim Schmidt from the township speak at the annual meeting in November. Several board members expressed interest so Bill will check Tim’s availability and provide potential dates to the board at the next meeting.
Discussion of having the annual meeting in person, remote, or possibly hybrid.
Marilyn let the board know that Colleen has decided to step down from doing the garage sales, and there are no plans for a fall neighborhood garage sale this year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13 @ 6:30pm via Zoom.