Call to Order: 6:35pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski
Guests: None
Absent: Darcel Bulock
- Minutes: Bill moved to approve the August meeting minutes with a few minor edits, Elaine seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Budget: Lagoon treatment fee received for $590, bill for $1,000 from landscaping company to fix the sprinklers. Another repair is needed on one sprinkler head so we’ll be slightly over budget for this line item. Overall year to date we’re on track with what we normally spend. Received a check from Freidland for $10.31 for metal dropped off on our account.
- Dues: 34 people owe as of today. A few more dues have trickled in.
- Friedland fundraiser: ready to go, plan to have on the same day as the township recycling event, September 25-27, pick up on 28th. Bill is volunteering at the township event and can direct people who come with metal to drop them off at our collection since that event isn’t actually going to be doing metal recycling. We’re limiting it to promoting within the neighborhood so we’re not responsible for policing a larger public drop off. Could swap the container out if we fill it during the weekend.
- Playground: Additional discussion around playground structure. The plan is to tear down the old structure for the recycling event. Recycle what we can. If anyone wants any of the other pieces they can have them. Insurance would cover any liability. Looking for crew to help tear down the structure on October 19th.
- Annual meeting will be held via Zoom on November 12th.
- Discussion on Halloween ideas. Suggestion was made to consider
Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
Next meeting will be October 8th @ 6:30pm via Zoom.