Call to Order: 6:35pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Darcel Bulock, Sharon Grabski, Cindee Picklo
Guests: Leszek Gawarecki, Amanda Sorensen, Leigh, Sherry Corwin, Timothy Miles,
Absent: None
- Minutes: Bill moved to approve the August meeting minutes with correction to the date at the top, Marilyn seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Budget: Year to date expenditures are just over $15,377 with projected income of about $20,000. The surplus this year is planned to go toward the playground. Still one lawncare bill pending.
- Dues: 29 people still owe including 11 people who owe for more than 1 year. At the beginning of the year 19 people owed for multiple years so that’s a big improvement. Already received dues from 6 people for next year. In the dues notice, email addresses were requested to help with better reaching residents and being able to send information via email. Some of the unpaid dues are due to individuals moving or the owner passing away.
- Playground: Current structure is outdated so we’re working toward replacing it. We’ve been setting funds aside and did some fundraising this year to fund this. With the cost to build it would be $20,000-$21,000. Currently raised about $12,000. Original price was $14,000-$15,000 but that was with a community build. Based on the difficulty in getting volunteers and tearing down part of the structure, we are planning to pay for professional installation which would be an added $5,000.
- 2020 Events and events planned: normal events this year were cancelled this year due to COVID. We held a scrap metal recycling event. Hope to hold the normal events next year but it will all depend on COVID effects. For the 4th of July we had the firetrucks drive through the neighborhood and people stood out on their yard and waved. Appreciation expressed for all the creative things that neighbors did to provide treats to kids in a socially distanced way including an unofficial event in the cul de sac on Halloween day.
- Luminaries: Intend to do luminaries again this year. Information was sent with the dues notice. The HOA does the luminaries at Hamilton and around the lagoon on December 24, 2020. Neighbors that want to participate can purchase candles and bags, if needed. Elaine will be posting the notice on Nextdoor this week and will be offering direct sales at her house on 2003 Pawnee Trail. Last season we sold about 2,000 candles. People come from other neighborhoods to see it. Sell 12 for $6 or $8 with bags. Noted that annual meeting notice was sent out via mail and included the luminary notice form.
- Public Comment: None
- Directory: Some have had apprehension about giving phone numbers. Looking for individuals interested in leading an effort to put together a directory.
- Meeting minutes are posted on the website,
Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.
Next meeting will be the annual meeting December 10th @ 6:30pm via Zoom.