Call to Order: 6:35pm
Members Present: Bill McConnell, Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Sharon Grabski, Cindee Picklo
Guests: Shelby DeNike; Nicole Sammartino
Absent: None
- Budget: Revenues year to date = $24,352, just over $4,000 collected specifically for the playground; year to date expenditures are just over $14,000; went over on office expenses by $111 due to the mailing with the notice for the annual meeting this year.
- Bill moved, Elaine seconded that we apply any surplus of revenues received in 2020 in excess of expenses for 2020 (any 2021 dues paid in December 2020 will be excluded) to the purchase of the playground in the spring. Unanimously approved.
- Bill moved, Elaine seconded, to adopt the 2021 budget as presented. Unanimously approved.
- Dues: 29 people still owe including 11 people who owe for more than 1 year. At the beginning of the year 19 people owed for multiple years so that’s a big improvement. In the dues notice, email addresses were requested to help with better reaching residents and being able to send information via email. Decided to send first notice out via email. Second notices will be sent out by physical mail in February to those that have not paid.
- Website: Shelby discussed updates he can provide to website including improved content, reduced costs. Discussed getting away from printed mailing vs email communications. Noted that there are 3 who have expressed that they do not want emailed notices, they want physical mailings. Tom asked Shelby to put together thoughts on how to overhaul the website for the meeting in January.
- Luminaries: The HOA does the luminaries at Hamilton and around the lagoon on December 24, 2020. Elaine has been selling luminaries from her house and sales have been really high this year.
- Discussed Shelby joining the board. He expressed that he was willing to join the board. Jennifer moved to approve Shelby joining the board, Bill seconded, approved unanimously.
- Tom discussed the delays that COVID has caused to the construction for the new development planned for downtown Okemos. Plans have been revised to more residential vs commercial. Surface parking instead of underground parking. Demolition will be starting soon.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Next meeting will be January 14th @ 6:30pm via Zoom.