Board Meeting MInutes – March 2019

Meeting called to order 6:35 pm

Present: Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Sharon Grabski, Bill McConnell, Ann Johnson, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds

Absent:  Darcel Bulock

  • Board Activity: Ann Johnson has formally resigned from her board position due to relocating to Grand Rapids. The Board actively seeks a replacement. 
  • Motion to approve minutes: Minutes From the February 22, 2019 were approved
  • Budget report:  Budget in line to expectations
  • Dues report:  238 residents have paid for 2019. Second dues mailing likely to be sent out in May
  • The board continued discussion of the covenants and the 10 different versions and ways to amend them to be one updated version. The group agreed to consider developing an example covenant document to review, comment, and revise throughout the process.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm