Meeting called to order 6:43pm
Present: Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Sharon Grabski, Bill McConnell, Cindee Picklo, Tom Stanko (left 7:37 pm)
Absent: Darcel Bulock
- Motion to approve minutes – Minutes from March 21, 2019 were approved with minor edits
- Budget Report: Budget in line with expectations.
- Dues Report: YTD: 279 residents have paid dues.
- The Board continued discussion of playground replacement. Board will compile cost estimates and explore ways to distribute information to the residents. Contributions above normal yearly dues would be needed to purchase the equipment and pay for the installation. We would like to accomplish the replacement of the playground in 2019.
- An email newsletter will be sent to our residents to discuss topics for the Summer, including a teaser for a new play structure, the TrueNorth 4 Corners project presentation, the Spring Garage Sale (if we have a date), the 4th of July Bike Parade, and the August Neighborhood Night Out/Ice Cream Social. Deadline for articles is April 30, to Sharon.
- Bill has reserved Edgewood for Thursday, May 9, 6:30 – 9:00, for a presentation by TrueNorth, the developer of the Okemos 4 Corners project, from 7:00 to 8:30. The program has been posted on NextDoor.
- Next regular Board Meeting is Thurs, June 13. We plan to have a make-up May meeting on Thurs, May 23, and will poll the absent Board members for availability on that date.
Adjourned: 8:10