Called to order: ???
- Minutes passed
- Treasurer – 6 more paid online, paid for sprinkler turned on; 43 unpaid by end of May, several more paid in June
- Old business
- Rick Asper has family health issues but will be contacting us about the sign
- Bill will paint the old sign at some point, suggested to match the colors of the other sign
- Approved to remove the split rail fence behind the new sign
- Old info about playground equipment
- Ideas for July bike parade: dot vote (small playground, large playground, DIY, small pavilion) – Darcel moved, Sharon second
- algae blooms: consider options for managing algae and geese issue (cat tails?), erosion issues; next step is to measure to assess the issue
- BBQ at Sharon’s after 4th of July parade? 10am bike parade, after party at Sharon’s at noon
- August 6th – Ice Cream social
- Next meeting August 15th
- Motion to adjourn 8:10pm Tom, Sharon