Present: Elaine Putvin, Cindee Picklo, Darcel Bulock, Tom Stanko, Bill McConnell, Sharon Grabski, Marilyn Ruh
Absent: Ann Johnson
Call to order 6:44
- December Minutes: Minutes are approved from December meeting
- 2018 Final Budget Report was presented. Current balance of bank account $3247.73 excluding $25,000.00 legal fund. This balance will carry forward into 2019.
- Luminaries report: 65 people purchased a total of 1,956 candles. 270 candles were distributed to the Lagoon commons and 250 to the Front Entrance. 3000 candles were purchased, 1,974 candles carried over from prior year. 500 bags were purchased; 480 were sold. 1,440 candles in stock. For 2018: $923.31 expense, $1070.00 income.
- Dues report
- 8 people owe for years prior to 2018
- 11 residents did not pay 2018 yet
- Customized letters will be sent with their 2019 dues notice.
- Web site: received one complaint that website is not monitored and we did not respond to a message. We currently do not have a web designer. Volunteers for web design would be welcomed by the board.
- Updating playground equipment continues to be an ongoing discussion, with the effort to reach out to all residents this spring.
- Discussion regarding covenant consolidation. 10 versions currently with differences in each with obsolete restrictions. Would like to consolidate to 1 unified version. Bill will bring the covenants to the next meeting to determine if we could work on amendments by section. We are setting this as a main agenda item for 2019.
February meeting February 21st @6pm-8pm.Old Chicago
Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm