
👮🏻 Meridian Township Police Department Neighborhood Leader Meeting

Meridian Township Town Hall 5151 Marsh RoadThursday, April 4th 20247pm Guest speakerPhil PavonaFamilies Against Narcotics (FAN) The meeting is open to anyone; usually, 0-3 residents from each subdivision attend. It starts with a brief introduction/update by the township police. Each participant introduces themselves, their subdivision, and a brief summary of any news or problems.

April 2022 Neighborhood Update!

We wanted to share an update with all of the residents in Tacoma Hills about some of the exciting things that have taken place recently and what will be happening here soon! First off, the A Night out at Culver’s was a smash! We had a great turnout at the event, and Culver’s provided Tacoma … Read more

October 12th, 2021 Tacoma Infrastructure Meeting

October 12th 2021 Tacoma Infrastructure Meeting 1 scaled

On October 12th, 2021 Meridian Township held a neighborhood meeting to discuss the newly asphalted roads through out Tacoma Hills allowing residents to voice their concerns on how they felt the process went as well as any issues that were encountered along the way. Below are a few pictures that were taking during the meeting … Read more

Meridian Township – Tacoma Hills Neighborhood Meeting


As the 2021 Local Road Program begins to wind down for the season, Township administration would like to invite residents to a meeting to discuss the remaining work to be completed in the Tacoma Hills neighborhood. Items for discussion include driveways, ditches, culverts, grading and final restoration. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 7, … Read more