Call to Order: 6:35pm
Members Present: Marilyn Ruh, Elaine Putvin, Tom Stanko, Jennifer Edmonds, Shelby DeNike, Cindee Picklo, Bill McConnell, Sharon Grabski, James Keathley
Guests: Colleen McNamara
Minutes: Motion to approve minutes Bill moved, Elaine seconded; approved unanimously.
- Budget and Dues: Small amount of dues paid in July. 45 households still owe. Noted expenditures for repair of the sprinklers in the front of the subdivision. Elaine mentioned that Jennifer Edmonds still needs to submit the invoice for the playground timbers. Also noted that the company that we purchase the candles from that the cost will be increasing 12%.
- Covenants Discussion: James Keathley raised concerns regarding the language in the covenants regarding the maximum dues and the dues stated in the dues notice. Discussion about the history of the dues and that a flat fee has been charged going back to at least the 50s. Also discussed interpretations of the covenants, legal opinions obtained previously, etc.
- Garage Sales: Approximately 20 houses participated. A resident made several recommendations to Colleen for opportunities for improvements including a map of houses participating. Spent $71 and suggested a budget of $75 next year. Shelby mentioned that the new website will be able to have a form to help facilitate a map. Several board members provided feedback on why they did or did not participated in the garage sale.
- Discussion about the stop signs that were added to the neighborhood.
- Fourth of July Bike Parade was held on Sunday, July 4th. Marilyn arranged for the fire truck and a motorcycle officer to lead the parade. There was a different route this year due to the road construction near Edgewood School. There were less participants than in prior years but that was somewhat expected, and it was still a good turnout.
- Ice Cream Social: Had a great turn out and everyone seemed to like the ice cream novelties. It was also easier than scooping ice cream.
- Discussion about the flooding in the neighborhood including the common area flooding that occurred recently. Bill would like to discuss the history of stormwater being addressed at the next meeting.
- Discussed potentially adjusting some budget line items such as the garage sales increasing to $75 per sale ($150 if there are two sales held in the year), bike parade increasing to $75, and decreasing the ice cream social to $100.
Meeting adjourned at 8:14pm.
The next meeting will be Thursday, September 16 @ 6:30pm via Zoom.