Call to order: 6:45 pm
Members Present: Shelby, Sharon, Marilyn, Sharon, Elaine, Bill
Guests: None
Absent: James, Jennifer, Tom
Minutes: Did not have minutes to review for the meeting, will review them at the next meeting.
Budget and Finance: Elaine went over budget with dues, with 149 dues paid for 2023. Which is 44% of the total, 58% online 18 dues checks; one cash payment; 16 paid online. Few expenses (utilities, etc.)
Lawns & More contract for review. Elaine/Marilyn to ask for info on who mows between Hamilton & sidewalk
Dues: Long-standing resident paid a 7yrs of dues. Issues with depositing checks due to them being made out to Sharon, not the HOA. Elaine took Sharon down there to get her added to the account and discussed subscriptions for auto-billing of renewals of dues. Bank changed policies to no longer allow checks made out to Sharon, which is now resolved. Unpaid dues 2019-2022 around 20. Bill to update the information with the bank
Additional Items: Discussed the heat maps and correlation of kids’ ages, and families moving back that once lived here.
Talked about the possible use of block captains and bringing them back for communication and/or changes.
Reach out to Jessica about the signage maybe direct it to the Tacoma Hills website. Possible budget allocation for new signs. Research sign companies, Sharon to check with the printer for options, Elaine to check on (political type) yard signs that the church uses
Bill made a motion to reallocate funds for the block party for the amount of $100 to bring it in line with the rest of the events that we contribute to. Unanimously Sharon, Elaine, Bill, and Mariyn voted yes for this.
Garage sales (June 16-17) were approved for Kelly Walden and Michael Keck. Shelby to notify that balloons are fine; gourmet donuts not so much
Elaine and Bill traveled down to the courthouse to get the commons and lagoon deed. Still exploring the details of this.
Check about possible fundraisers via Qdoba.
Discussion of raising dues to account for inflation as well as providing additional funds for more/better events.
The meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 9th @ 6:30 pm via Google Meet.